FREYA DAY (Rosa Benito)
I studied Graphic Design, Illustration,
painting and animation in Barcelona
I work professionally as a graphic designer and illustrator, but also, I'm a curator of contemporary art and visual artist.
I illustrated for the press (Nou Diari, Grupo Z),
and worked for several publishers like
Bruño, Santillana and Teide
I have done graphic work for individuals, companies and institutions,
such as the Generalitat de Catalunya,
local government of Barcelona and URV
Also, I worked in cartoon producers
(Cromosoma, Neptuno films)
and Javier Mariscal studio.
I published a book of paintings (2018) editorial Neopàtria (Valencia)
I participated in the collective exhibition Art.155 Farinera del Clot. (Barcelona 2018))
Individual painting exhibition, Former Municipality (Tarragona 2019)
Individual painting exhibition on
'espai Nautilus' (November 2021)
I'm the curator of
"Cultura verda", a contemporary art and environment event. Tarragona 2021,
and I'm preparing the edition 2022